Terms and Conditions
Before purchasing The Arty Buddha Coaching Services please make sure that you have read and agreed to each of the following statements below and that you confirm that you wish to proceed.
The Arty Buddha continually endeavours to ensure that the standard of service he provides to his clients are at the highest level.
All coaching services and communications, email or otherwise, supplied by the Arty Buddha, as well as information on this website are there to help pinpoint the zones in your life and in your thinking that may be preventing you from experiencing mind and body well-being.
The term coaching covers life coaching, personal coaching, business coaching and executive coaching for clients. Coaching is NOT substitute for professional Mental Health Care, Counselling or Medical Mare.
I understand that the life coaching services that I will receive are not substitute for mental health care and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any mental health or medical conditions. I understand that The Arty Buddha Life Coach is not acting as a mental health counsellor or a medical professional.
I understand and confirm that I the client am fully responsible for my welfare during my coaching programme including my choices and decisions that I make.
I understand that coaching is not intended or proposed as a substitute for counselling, mental health care, psychotherapy and I confirm that I will not use it in place of any form of therapy.
I understand that all comments and ideas offered by my Coach are solely for the purpose of aiding me in achieving my end goal. I have the power to give my informed consent and give such consent to my coach to assist me in achieving my end goal.
I understand that The Arty Buddha Life Coach will protect my information as confidential.
I understand that the use of technology is not always secure, I confirm the acceptance to the risks of confidentiality with regards to the use of email, text, phone, video call and other technology.
The coaching programme will be agreed between the coach and the client and can be booked up to 3 months in advance. The Arty Buddha will recommend the frequency of coaching sessions based on a professional assessment of the client’s requirements. This recommendation is not binding and may be altered and adjusted throughout the coaching journey by mutual agreement and consent in accordance with the terms set out in this agreement.
The number and frequency of coaching session will be agreed at the start of coaching between The Arty Buddha and the client. When no specific number of sessions has been agreed then they will be provided on a session by session basis.
The date that the first coaching session takes place will be deemed as the start date for the Coaching Program. Where any client is unhappy with any of the terms and conditions, they can contact The Arty Buddha to discuss any concerns to see if they can be resolved before the first coaching session. Engagement and participation by any client in the first coaching session constitutes as acceptance of these terms and conditions.
Fees can be paid online by debit or direct bank transfer. Where receipts are requested by the client, they will be sent via e-mail unless otherwise requested.
Fees are payable in advance of each of the coaching session unless agreed otherwise.
The Arty Buddha may assign client tasks or exercises to complete between coaching sessions. There is no obligation on the client’s behalf to complete these items of homework, but not doing so may slow the client’s progress in gaining improved quality of life or achieving or their end goal.
The client may contact The Arty Buddha by phone via e-mail between sessions to seek clarification or guidance with anything arising from a coaching session or for administrative purposes e.g. the rearrangement of a coaching session or to make a payment. Additional coaching services can also be provided in between sessions but there may be an additional charge for this.
If a client needs to rearrange a coaching session, they will need to provide at least 48 hours’ notice. Refunds will not be given to clients for unused coaching sessions unless a period of 48 hours’ notice has been given.
Personal information supplied by the client during the coaching programme will be treated as confidential. It will not be disclosed to any third parties.
In exceptional circumstances, such as illness or unavailability due to bereavement, inappropriate behaviour by the client, actual or potential conflict of interest, or other reasons, The Arty Buddha can decide to terminate the coaching program with immediate effect. In such circumstance the client will be given reasonable notice of termination by The Arty Buddha.
The Arty Buddha will seek to enable the client to improve their quality of life and to achieve their desired outcome. Excellent results can be attained when the clients follow a clear plan in a committed way. However, the client has full responsibility for making important decisions in their lives or businesses. The Arty Buddha has no liability for any loss incurred by a client, whether financial or otherwise.